Even semester result of AKTU has been declared. You can check you result on official website of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow. B.Tech. 4th year 8semester result and 3rd year result has been declared. For check your result click now.
There are some results in pending i.e. B.Tech. second year and first year.
You can check final year result of MBA, MCA, B.PHARMA, BFAD, BHMCT, B,ARCH,etc. click below and check your result :
MBA final year result 2015-2016
B.Tech. final year result 2015-2016
MCA final year result 2015-2016
B.Pharma final year result 2015-2016
B.Arch. final year result 2015-2016
BFAD final year result 2015-2016
BHMCT final year result 2015-2016
B.Tech. final year result 2015-2016
MCA final year result 2015-2016
B.Pharma final year result 2015-2016
B.Arch. final year result 2015-2016
BFAD final year result 2015-2016
BHMCT final year result 2015-2016