XML Tutorial : Part-Two

1. Which of the following parses the document by loading the complete contents of the document and creating its complete hierarchical tree in memory?
A.      Dom Parser
B.      SAX Parser
C.      JDOM Parser
D.      StAX Parser

2. What DOM stands for?
A.      Direct Object Model
B.      Document Object Model
C.      Document Object Modelling?
D.      Document Output Model

3. Which component of JDOM Parser represents DOM tree?
A.      Document
B.      Element
C.      Attribute
D.      Text

4. Which method of JDOM Parser builds the JDOM Document from the XML source?
A.      SAXBuilder, build (xmlSource)
B.      Document.getRootElement()
C.      Node.getRootElement()
D.      Node.getChild(Name)

5. XPath is one of the major element in XSLT standard and is must have knowledge in order to work with XSLT documents.
A.      False
B.      True

6. Which of the following XPath expression ensures that selection starts from the root node?
A.      .
B.      /
C.      ./
D.      .//

7. Which of the following is true about Node Class of the DOM4J parser?
A.      It represents the entire xml documents. A documents object is often reffered to as a DOM tree.
B.      It represents an XML element. Element object has methods to manipulate its child elements, its text, attributes and namespaces.
C.       It represents an attribute of an element. Attribute has method to get and set the value of attribute, it has parent and attribute type.

8. What is XML Parsing?
A.      Parsing xml refers to going through xml documents to access data or to modify data in one or other way.
B.      Parsing XML refers to creation of XML documents.
C.      Both of the above
D.      None of the above

9. What is a StAX Parser?
A.      StAX is a JAVA based PULL API to parse XML document
B.      It is very quick API and uses streams
C.      Both of the above
D.      None of the above

10. Which of the following predicate selects the first student element that is the child of the class element?
A.      /class/student/[1]
B.      /class/student[last()]
C.      /class/student[first()-]
D.      None of the above
