6S-Training Overview

Why Implement 6S?

Customers’ needs constantly change.
Companies compete to meet these needs. 
To survive, we must stay competitive. 
This means improving products and services and lowering costs.
 The 6S system is a good starting point for all improvement programs.

Typical Resistances to 6S 

1. Implementing Sort and Set in Order will not boost output. 
2. Why concern ourselves with triviality? 
3. My filing system is a mess – but I know my way around it!
Typical Resistances to 6S 
4. 6S’s and related improvements are just for the factory. 
5. We’re too busy to spend time on Sort and Set in Order. 
6. We don’t need the 6S’s – We’re making money, so just let us do our work!

What is 6S?
 A process for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, and high performance work place, which serves as a foundation for continuous improvement activities

Elements of a 6S Program

1. Safety – Throughout the entire process safety is number 1.
2. Sort - Clearly distinguishing between what is necessary and what is unnecessary and disposing of the unnecessary.
3. Set in Order - Organizing the necessary items so that they can be used and returned easily.
4. Shine - Cleaning floors, equipment, and furniture in all areas of the workplace.
5. Standardize - Maintaining and improving the standards of the first three S’s.
6. Sustain - Achieving the discipline or habit of properly maintaining the correct 6S procedure.

What Is 5 S
5 Japanese Words
Seiri - Sort (Housekeeping)
Seiton - Set in Order (Workplace Organization)
Seiso - Shine (Cleanup)
Seiketsu - Standardize (Keep Cleanliness)

Shitsuke - Sustain (Discipline)

Implementing 6S
1. Role of Management: -Educating, creating teams, scheduling time, providing resources, encouragement, and recognition.

2. Role of Associate: -Encouraging coworkers, participating, implementing, contributing ideas, and promoting 6S efforts.

Set in Order
1. A place for everything and everything in its place.
2. Arrange things so they are easy to find, use, and put away.
3. Work place organization is apparent through use of lines, labels, color-coding, shadow boards, photographs, etc.

Elements of Set in Order
 †1. Set in Order and Standardization †
 2. Visual Controls †
3. Principles of Deciding Locations

Set in Order and Standardization † 
1. Standardization means doing things in a consistent way. †
2. Set in Order is the core of standardization.

Principles of Deciding Locations 
1. Get rid of waste by storing jigs, tools, and dies. †
2. Get rid of unnecessary motion: “motion improvement.” †
3. Get rid of whole operations: “radical improvement.

1. Maintain Sort, Set in Order, and Shine. †
2. Standardize methods to ensure the improvements become a way of life. †
3. Create or revise check sheets and operator instructions. † Scan the work place.

Tools and Techniques † 
1. 6S Job Cycle Charts †
2. Visual 6S † The Five-Minute 6S †
3. 6S Checklist for Factories

Renewal and improvement. †
Build on earlier accomplishments. †
Make a habit of using correct procedures. †
Without discipline, improvements cannot be sustained.
For example:
Audits „ 
Work place scans
Team reviews and reports

Creating Conditions for Sustain † 
1. Awareness † Time † Structure
2. Support † Rewards and Recognition
3. Satisfaction and Excitement

Tools and Techniques to Sustain † 
Slogans † Posters
Photo Exhibits and Storyboards
Pocket Manuals
Department Tours
6S Months

Points to Remember † 
Establish guidelines and develop the discipline to maintain them.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
If nothing is done, nothing will improve.
Develop habits that won’t be forgotten