- What is AutoCAD?
- What are the uses of AutoCAD?
- What are the fields where you see maximum use of AutoCAD?
- What is the purpose of AutoCAD software?
- What is the main purpose of AutoCAD?
- What are the file formats used in design?
- What is the function of vertical integration?
- What is the use of variants in AutoCAD?
- What are the differences present in the software's features?
- What are the features involved with the AutoCAD WS?
- What are the different ports used in different OS?
- What is the procedure to create user interface?
- What are the benefits of using AutoCADS?
- What is the process to draw a line more than one time and save automatically?
- What are the steps that enable drag and drop features in AutoCAD?
- What are the features corrected by AutoCAD?
- How to set up a default drawing directory?
- How can copy a closed drawing?
- What is the procedure to remove empty layers?
- What are the steps need to be taken or replace the buttons on toobars with smiley?
- What is the procedure to copy the dimension styles from one drawing to another?
- What is the way to hide the specific layers when plotting?
- Why AutoCAD WS is more popular among mobile users?
- How can you make a spring, spiral or screw thread?
- Tell me how you assign the keyboards characters or function keys to AutoCAD commands?
- How can you open a drawing file that was created with the automatic save features?
- What are grips?
- In what situation command prompt appears instead of a dialog boxes?
- In AutoCAD, what is the command that is used to rotate the grid at 45 degree?
- What you are supposed to do when"Enter Attributes" dialog doesn't display?