Waste of overproduction
Waste of waiting
Waste of transportation
Waste of processing itself
Waste of stocks
Waste of motion
Waste of making defective products
35. What
is JIT system?
JIT is a Japanese production management
philosophy which has been applied in practise since the early 1970s in many
Japanese manufacturing organisation.
36. What
is JIT production?
Philosophy that focuses attention on
eliminating waste by purchasing or manufacturing just enough of the right items
just in time.
37. What
are the characteristics of JIT system?
JIT system displays certain unique
characteristics that help to achieve a smooth flow of production and benefits.
Pull system
Small lot sizes
Quick setups
Production smoothing
Kanban card
38. Write
down advantage and disadvantage of JIT system.
Reduced inventory levels and manufacturing
lead times
Overall better quality of whatever is
Less finished goods sitting
Increased employee and equipment efficiency
Less scrap and less raw material
Encouragement of worker participation in
problem solving
Not able to meet any unforeseen demand
Needs establishment of long term business
partnership with suppliers
Needs continuous and close-evaluation and
follow up of the whole process
High risk is involved due to short-term
planning and a minimum level of inventory.
Suppliers of input materials need to be
educated about the quality by the customers/company.