Quality Management Part- Three

25. Explain the role of operator in the quality.
It will be interesting to ask the questions, as to who is ultimately responsible for the quality, the management or the operator? The answer will generally depend upon the quality situation of the company. If the company is able to maintain good quality of their product, the management may take the credit for it.
It is the management’s responsibility to provide the operator with the necessary means by which he can exercise effective control over the process.
This involves –
1.       The operator must know what he is supposed to do.
2.       He must have means by which he can know the results of his action.
3.       He must be able to regulate the process, should the results be unsatisfactory.

26. What are the causes of operator’s errors?
The operator’s errors result from three main causative factors.
a.       Incompetence
b.      Lack of awareness
c.       Carelessness and lack of interest

operator can be expected to achieve quality conformance only if he has the necessary skill some operators may be able to achieve the quality targets consistently, while others may not be able to maintain the required quality level in spite of their best efforts. Once this deficiency has been identified the remedy lies in training the operators to enable them to acquire necessary proficiency in their job.
Lack of awareness
There are some errors which are made by the operators without their being aware of it. Such errors can be minimized by making the process as fool-proof as possible. Use of jig and fixtures which ensure that the job is correctly positioned for the operation. In addition, certain devices may be incorporated in the process, which provide a visual alarm when an error is made, so that the operators is alerted in the time. Other measuring to reduce such errors are proper lighting, clean working condition etc.
Carelessness and lack of interest
The majority of the operator’s errors are caused by this factor. The main cause of his disinterest is the lack of knowledge about the product. Seeming indifference on the part of operators to the quality of product is not due to the fact that they want to produce bad jobs. It is mainly due to ignorance and lack of understanding of the implication of poor quality.

27. What is zero defects?
According to its originator JAMES F. HALPIN
It is a concept which “promotes a constant, conscious desire to do a job right the first time.”
It is essentially a management techniques in which job is presented as a challenge to the individual worker.

28. What is quality circle?
Quality circle is a small group of members working together who meet each other voluntarily with a view to analysing and resolving work related problems.
The meetings are informal in nature but held regularly.
The group consists of 7 to 10 members, who meet each other at least once a week for one hour.
At the meetings they speak only about their work and problems pertaining to it. The whole organisation is voluntary by nature, nevertheless all the members are slightly motivated in their work.

29. What are the elements of quality circle?
Top management
Steering committee

30. What are the objectives of quality circle?
To improve quality and productivity of the products.
Giving job satisfaction and improving employee motivation
To develop a complete coherent problem solving methodology within the organization.
To promote consciousness among workers about quality, safety and cost of production.

31. Write down the advantage and limitation of quality circle.
Promote high level of opportunity and quality mindedness.
Self and mutual development of employees.
Creating team spirit and unit of action.
Increased motivation, job satisfaction and pride in their work.
Waste and cost reduction.
Improved communication and safety.
Increased utilization of human resource potential.
Leadership development and trained staff.
The overall productivity may decrease initially as the members turn from their daily work to the task of organising themselves and undergoing training.
The chance of errors increase initially.
A large investment of time and money is required for a concept that is essentially new and unproven in the organisation’s context.
After circle implementation a period of confusion may arise.
Changes in system and control may become necessary.

32. Write the full name of ISO.

33. What is standardization?
Standardization is defined as the temporary crystallization of the best acceptable solution to recurring problem, formulated in a scientific and systematic fashion by pooling the knowledge of the all those who are concerned with the problem and is subjected to review and revision by common consent.
