Quality Management Part- Two

11. What are the causes of operator’s errors?
1. Incompetence
2. Lack of awareness
3. carelessness and lack of interest

12. What is control charts?
-          A control charts is a graphical technique in which statistics computed from measured values of a certain process characteristics are plotted over time to determine if the process remains in statistical control

-          A control charts is a graphical technique in which statistics computed from measured values of a certain process characteristics are plotted over time to determine if the process remains in statistical control
-          Control charts for variable: control charts based on upon measurements of quality characteristics are called as control charts for variables.

13. What is process capability?
Process capability may be defined as the “minimum spread of a specific measurement variation which will include 99.7% of the measurement from the given process”

14. What is defect?
It refers to the failure of quality characteristic to meet the specified standard.
Types of defect:

15. Write the 5 causes of defects?
1.       Design and specification
2.       Materials
3.       Machinery and equipment
4.       Operating and supervisory staff
5.       Process control and inspection

16. What is defective?
It designates an item which has one or more defects.

17. What is p-chart?
It is also known as fraction defective chart.

18. What is c-chart?
It is used when the number of defects per unit are counted.

19. What is reliability?
The reliability of a product is the probability of performing its intended function over its specified life.
R (t) = N-n/N

20. Write the factors affecting reliability?
1.       Complexity of a product
2.       Manufacturing process
3.       Operation and maintenance
4.       Component reliability
5.       Environment conditions
6.       Reliability and failure of a product

21. What is MTTF?
MTTF stand for Mean Time To Failure. MTTF is the reciprocal of hazard rate.

22. What is maintainability?
It is defined as the probability that a device will be restored to its operational effectiveness within the given period, when maintenance action is performed on accordance with the prescribed procedure.
The maintainability is related to the given maintenance time, if the given maintenance time is increased the probability of its being restored to normal function will increase. Since the maintenance time is an important constraint of maintainability.

23. What is MTBF?
Mean time to failure is the men time between successive failures of a product. It is the ratio of total test time and number of failure during test.
MTBF= 1/λ=Total test time/number of failure during test

24. What is MTTR?
Mean time to repair is thee arithmetic mean of the time required to perform maintenance action.
MTTR = Total maintenance time / Number of maintenance action
